Udonge´s Cultural Revolution
Udonge, Spaniard, Cultural Agitator, 57 years old, unemployed since five years, four kids, unmarried, exteacher, exsailor, traveller-fellow hanging around the world for years, do not beleive in God, do not have cat, dog, dogmatic ideas..., watchtimer, silver ring, car, tv set, some money in my account bank number. Usually, I never read silky-silly newspapers and so long... I wrote a lot of clear up books in my life, a very long time ago..., but most of them still remain untitled and unknown. I am a hungry and hurt painter too, Haboku style with Japanese influences and lights. I do not have nothing at all, but I got myself, in the darkness mirrow of my failure... I am a solitary sailor; I am a "Dark Horse"; I am nowhere man and nothing else... I like to be an unknown fellow, because I love a lot to be nowhere man.
That´s all news folks!
Never make silly psicological portrait of him!
Good luck, cousin...