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An almost widower letter.
Wait me my love
Matheus Gomes Alves

You were the most special guy that I have ever loved, and even if you want to deny it, you can not. Life has this kind of thing, everyday people die and born, sometimes to a new and exciting trip, or more frequently for a mad and boring reality. Furthermore, life has the power to silence right things and death has the power to set things right. Probably, a stab came to your heart before my love. I don't blame your murder, I just blame the fact that I was a foll, and I shouldn't let you go. Love means pain, and we can not deny that the promisse of our great poet, Vinícius de Moraes, was totally verossimilar to my current reality.
     It was a clouded morning, the sky was grey and my feelings too. I was going to my school, and during my trip, I found myself thinking on you. Your black hair, your huge arms, your perfect eyes, drove me to a new conclusion, an upshot that requires all the lovers to be understand, a feeling that has got the power to sumarise every kind of existence, every kind of pain. My heart smiled. I was completly in love with you.
     I knew that you had a girlfriend, and this lucky girl was my best friend. It would be wrong if I had told to someone about my desires. Your life would be changed in a real hell, that every offensive comment made by our classmates, would represent flames, flames so torrid that an inferno of them would make you get apart of me. Forgive me... If I knew that you would die, I would pass all my days with you.

Número de vezes que este texto foi lido: 52812

Outros títulos do mesmo autor

Contos (O)Dor de um escritor leviano Matheus Gomes Alves
Poesias A Morte de(o) (meu) amor Matheus Gomes Alves
Discursos A 'morte' de Flanklín Távora. Matheus Gomes Alves
Contos O sonho de Túlio Matheus Gomes Alves
Poesias Feridas abertas - Pétalas arrancadas Matheus Gomes Alves
Poesias Últimos desejos Matheus Gomes Alves
Contos O Reflexo de um descaso. Matheus Gomes Alves
Romance 2° Capítulo - Eu queria tanto que você não fugisse de mim... Matheus Gomes Alves
Contos Amor em Cinco Curvas Matheus Gomes Alves
Romance Eu queria tanto que você não fugisse de mim Matheus Gomes Alves

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