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Living in the mountains, every day in the forest,
On the way to the village, nothing special.
Trees and flowers, birds and foxes,
A cart comes down the road, nothing strange.
Day after day a quiet path,
A way back to happiness…
Why go the other way?
Destiny dictates the rules!
Among the beeches, lilies and thorns...
Why I never saw that lake?
So intense and deep…
The time was not long,
Color captured me.
The lake saw me!
The indecipherable depth, the mystery that entwines and pulls,
Certainly there are mermaids waiting for an unsuspecting,
Color captured me…
What would be beyond the mirror only tainted by the wind?
What would be below? No one knows…
Finally after hypnosis,
Touch the tip of your finger on its surface,
Death and life come to the surface,
The touch of water is a knife.
The time stopped,
It could turn life around inside out,
It could destroy castles built with blood,
It could implode the universe in a hecatomb of light and intensity!!
I hesitated,
I returned,
The movement of water dissipates,
The lake is in peace again…
Do not break the crystal!
The choice is easy, maybe…
A heart has already taken me, the way back to happiness,
Just passing by,
Always the lake staring at me…
Always on the sidelines to look.
Color still makes me dream,
With the treasures that you could find.
However, happiness already has its place
Turquoise let me just watch you…
Without ever giving me.
I was seen,
Just on the edge forever,

Número de vezes que este texto foi lido: 52818

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Poesias Turquoise Galladriell

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