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Say Goodbye
Luca Schneersohn

If you knew how much I waited
I've been trying to be the best for you
I never thought that this fine line would ever meet

Between so many comings and goings
Among many
It was you who chose to make you happy
Happy every sunrise
In each glass of wine and smiles
It's you that my heart chose

But you need to understand that
If you're lucky, love comes from toast
And we were presented by him

My heart from alert fear
What is wrong is to ignore those who love you and run after those who despise you
That's why I want to keep trying
Even fear being a minefield

I dont want to say goodbye
I dont want to say goodbye
I cant say goodbye

Between so many comings and goings
Among many
It was you who chose to make you happy
Happy every sunrise
In each glass of wine and smiles
It's you that my heart chose

I dont want to say goodbye

Este texto é administrado por: ABRAHAM SCHNEERSOHN
Número de vezes que este texto foi lido: 52891

Outros títulos do mesmo autor

Crônicas Linha Tênue Luca Schneersohn
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Poesias Descaminhos Luca Schneersohn
Poesias Lentes Luca Schneersohn
Poesias Um dia Luca Schneersohn
Poesias Pensamento 26 Luca Schneersohn
Frases Pensamento 25 Luca Schneersohn
Frases Pensamento 24 Luca Schneersohn
Poesias Pensamento 22 Luca Schneersohn
Frases Pensamento 23 Luca Schneersohn

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