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Eduardo Ferreira Leite

The beauty of the night
It would be nothing without the stars
Where birds feel free
Like me and you in our nights

I know sometimes it can seem lonely
But I would fight millions for you
Just for once your bright eyes once again
You're not alone I'm by your side
Hold me tight and let's run away from this world

Give me one more first kiss
Side by side we are stronger
Let me hear your laugh again
Let me guide the way this time
We are strong together
We are strong together
We are strong together

Everyone can disapprove
Thunderstorms May Sound
Yours can fall
But we are brave together

I know sometimes it can seem lonely
But I would fight millions for you
Just for once your bright eyes once again
You're not alone I'm by your side
Hold me tight and let's run away from this world

Give me one more first kiss
Side by side we are stronger
Let me hear your laugh again
Let me guide the way this time
We are strong together
We are strong together
We are strong together

together, together and together
I'll be your prince and you mine

Give me one more first kiss
Side by side we are stronger
Let me hear your laugh again
Let me guide the way this time
We are strong together
We are strong together
We are strong together

só um cara querendo desabafar
Número de vezes que este texto foi lido: 52817

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Músicas together Eduardo Ferreira Leite

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