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What About You?
Thiago Souza Pimentel

Don’t leave me smiling alone.
Sitting in the corner,
Looking for your eyes…
It’s too dark to see them.

The world seems happy enough for me.
This empty soul running away
Through the endless road of my heart.
Shall I have to give my contribution?

I’ve heard promises everywhere,
But I’ve never found the truth.
I did not even look for it under my bed.
Are they waiting for me there?

And if one day I suddenly find that box
You could be sure that I still love you.
When I have no more tears to dry;
Is my wound so deep?

Blow your dreams to the sky,
You’re a kid and nobody will hurt you.
Let me tell you a lovely story.
Is this ground too hard for you?

At school they teach you what not to do.
Somebody has forgotten the way out.
Helpless bitter feeling in your mouth.
Who is this guy who said ‘I trust’?

Come on, don’t be so sad!
The world is gone, but it’s not a reason.
You still have flowers in your hand,
Don’t you?

The spring is coming again;
We will be able to run through the fields
And you don’t need to get lost yourself…
This is the Love, can’t you see?

Thiago tem 24 anos, é mineiro de Belo Horizonte e economista formado pela PUC-Minas. Atualmente não tem residencia fixa, percorrendo o mundo em busca de novos conhecimentos e culturas. Tem predileção por formas de vida alternativa e em comunidade. Como amante da literatura encontra no movimento Beat dos Estados Unidos dos anos 1950 sua maior fonte de inspiração para escrever, tendo Jack Kerouac seu maior ídolo. Além de ter forte admiração por autores como Henry David Thoreau e Liev Tolstoi.
Número de vezes que este texto foi lido: 59570

Outros títulos do mesmo autor

Poesias What About You? Thiago Souza Pimentel
Poesias Perfeição Thiago Souza Pimentel

Publicações de número 1 até 2 de um total de 2.

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